Sunday, April 17, 2011


I'll be honest I have thought about blogging for a about a week now and just have no motivation to actually type everything out. So lets recap! I got all FOUR wisdom teeth out and it was hell. Let me was more than hell. I thought I would be out for 1-2 days and then be back and ready to not so much. I woke up yesterday and finally was feeling like I could open my mouth and eat more than pudding and chicken noodle soup. Here's the run down from the wisdom teeth extravaganza. Monday I went in with my mom nervous as all can be I have only been put under once and I was having surgery on my nose so you can imagine the anxiety I was having about this. Everything went great I woke up and went home laid around all day and enjoyed my mom taking care of me. Now Monday night of course I was in some pain but nothing to drastic. I then notice that there is stitches in my mouth oh and one of them came out. Cue Tuesday when I drive my still puffy face back to the oral surgeon get all sorts of numbed and a brand new set of stitches put inside of my mouth. Awesome. Oh did I mention both Bobby and I were out of town for a week? So the first time we see each other (Tuesday) my face is huge, I'm starving, crappy, and just plan NOT feeling like a big homecoming. Wednesday, I'm feeling okay, still puffy, still sore, and still can hardly speak. Lucky me I have an infertility appt to follow up on blood work, my HSG test, etc. Turns out this girl is perfectly fine. Not a thing is wrong with anything in the baby making department. Awesome. I was sent on my way with instructions to have lots and lots of sexy time. I walked in with such a bad attitude I think anything that they would have told me would have been the end of the world to me. I am SO happy that nothing is wrong with me but on the other hand I wanted to walk in there and be told this is whats wrong, this is how we are going to fix it, and this is when you will be pregnant. Obviously things don't work that way. Thursday I am feeling ready to go back to work. BOY WAS I WRONG! I walk in with a wonderful greeting from my co-workers who missed me dearly and were quite worried. I didn't even make it thru lunch until yet another stitch pops I am driving 45 minutes home, stopping at the dentist, and still not able to enjoy any sort of solid food. Friday I worked all day and was finally feeling back to myself. Which brings us to yesterday!

Now you may ask yourself why are you waiting till months before Bobby leaves to re-do your bedroom, and bathroom oh and somehow buy a new car, and sell a motorcycle? Because frankly that's just how the Gradys do things.

So yes we are FINALLY re-doing our bedroom the one room in the house that is specifically designed for US and we haven't touched it. I don't know if I have ever blogged about our adventures in DIY things but lets just say we don't see eye to eye on a lot of the home improvement things. Furniture we most of the time agree on and if we don't I normally just give and say fine get whatever. -Now let me pause this story and input a quick story. When we were first looking for houses we found a BEAUTIFUL, extremely low price, and in good enough condition that we could have taken out another loan and made it into something amazing. Well stubborn old me didn't want anything to do with re-doing anything. So we walked away. Mind you this house was 4-5 bedroom, 3 bath, in the city, great back yard, nice neighborhood, and close to everything we need. Complete opposite of what we have now. (don't get me wrong we made a good choice with this house too) Since we walked away Bobby never lets me forget the house that we could be in. We drive by it from time to time and then family that bought it did a beautiful job. I mean who would want a house with so many things a new family needs for $78,000?! Oh yeah, me.

Back to yesterday- After wandering around Art Van for what felt like days we settled on a bedroom set. Threw it on lay away because of course nothing is available until the end of May so why drop all that money for something we can't have now? Outlasts that's what I was thinking..not so much the husband. We got into the car and he immediately wanted to know why we didn't take the floor sample. Long story, semi short we did NOT agree on a thing. So we are back to square one.

Oh and we leave for disney in 12 DAYS! Happy Sunday

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